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Cumparaturi de toamna

Cum se instaleaza luna august, cum incep sa ma gandesc la garderoba de toamna! De obicei cheful de toamna se instaleaza imediat dupa concediul la mare si soare- deci eu probabil ca saptamana viitoare, dupa calatoria in Grecia, o sa fiu gata sa incep sa ma gandesc la sezonul rece. Si, in asteptarea acestui moment, am adunat un mic wishlist de shopping in colajele de mai jos.


EN: As soon as August begins, I start thinking about the autumn wardrobe! Usually the autumn mood sets in right after the vacation at the seaside- so, next week, after my trip to Greece, I will probably be ready to start thinking about the cold season. And, while I am awaiting this moment, I have gathered a small shopping wish list in the collages below.

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Aniversare 4 ani de casatorie – Nunta de panza

De curand am sarbatorit 4 ani de la casatorie, adica Nunta de Panza (unii zic de Flori sau Fructe…), printr-o excursie de doua zile la Palatul Peles. Am mers impreuna cu Vlad, pentru ca aniversarea casatoriei a devenit mai mult aniversarea familiei noastre. Tot adunam: 12 ani de relatie, 4 ani de casatorie, 2 ani si 4 luni de cand suntem parintii lui Vlad… La multi ani!


EN: Recently we have celebrated 4 years of marriage, the Canvas Wedding (some say Flowers or Fruit…), through a two days trip to the Peles Castle. We went with Vlad, because the anniversary of our wedding has turned more into the celebration of our family. We’re still counting: 12 years of relationship, 4 years of marriage, 2 years and 4 months since we are Vlad’s parents…Happy anniversary!

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Girl on the Moon Project – ep 2

Am fost extrem de placut surprinsa sa vad entuziasmul cu care ati primit acest proiect, prin intermediul caruia veti cunoaste femei care isi fac meseria cu pasiune si determinare si care inspira sa traim frumos. . Azi a sosit momentul sa o cunoasteti pe Raluca Ghideanu – sculptorita.


EN: I was extremely pleasantly surprised to see the enthusiasm you have received this project with, a project through which you will get to know women who do their jobs with passion and determination and who inspire us to live beautifully. Today it is time for you to meet Raluca Ghideanu- sculptor.

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Cu telefonul (4)

V-am promis acum cateva zile aceasta postare ce constituie un jurnal foto al scurtei mele calatorii la Paris, cu ocazia participarii la evenimentul Bal Rouge Flower by Kenzo. Dupa cum o spune si titlul, pozele sunt surprinse de catre mine cu telefonul si sunt postate in ordine cronologica. Deci, sa inceapa calatoria:


EN: A few days ago I have promised this post which is mainly a photo diary of my short trip to Paris, where I went for the Bal Rouge Flower by Kenzo event. As the title also says, the photos have been taken by me with my phone and are posted in a chronological order. So, let the journey begin:

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Tot ce conteaza

Cele mai fericite momente din viata mea sunt cele petrecute cu familia. Doar ca niciodata nu sunt asa cum mi le-am imaginat, nu sunt ca in filme sau ca in reclame…

EN: The happiest moments in my life are spent with my family. But they are never as imagined, or in the movies or commercials…

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The Red Dress

De cand a aparut reclama Prigat pentru noua sticla de 0,5 L, o multime de lume ma opreste pe strada si ma intreaba: “De unde e rochia rosieeeee?????”. Ei bine, acum va dau toate detaliile si va explic cum o puteti castiga!


EN: Ever since the Prigat commercial for the 0,5 L bottle is on air, a lot of people have stopped me on the street to ask: “Where is the red dress from?????”. Well, now I can give you all the details and explain how you can win it!

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Culorile prefera originalul

Lasa-ne pe mana o imprimanta foto mie si lui Radu si ne-ai gasit de lucru. Va prezint una dintre cele mai inedite sedinte foto dedicate blogului, dar si detalii despre un concurs “colorat”.
EN: Just give a photo printer to me and Radu and we’ll keep ourselves busy. I present to you one of the most unique photo shootings for the blog, but also some details about a “colored” contest.

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