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Magie in bucatarie (III) – Mexican Chilli

Invat sa gatesc de cand cu aceasta campanie impreuna cu Bonduelle Vapeur! De data aceasta am pregatit un mexican chilli usor intepator. Vedeti voi in video cat de “usor intepator” a fost…


EN: I am learning to cook ever since this campaign with Bonduelle Vapeur! This time I have prepared a mildly hot Mexican chili. You can see for yourselves in the video how “mildly hot” it really was…

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Bruschete pentru Fete

Oficial, declar deschisa terasa casei mele pentru prieteni. Weekend-ul acesta ii astept (si sper sa ii impresionez) cu o reteta noua, perfecta pentru genul acesta de intalniri: bruschete cu macrou.


EN: My terrace is officially open to our friends. I am expecting them this weekend (and I hope I’ll impress them) with a new recipe, perfect for this kind of get-togethers: mackerel bruschetta.  

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Magie in Bucatarie (II)

Nu prea imi place broccoli. Stiu ca e sanatos, incerc sa il aduc pe masa noastra ca sa il guste si Vlad, dar rareori descopar cate un fel de mancare cu broccoli care sa fie cu adevarat gustos. Asa ca zic sa incercati salata asta. O sa fie o surpriza tare placuta.


EN: I don’t like broccoli. I know it’s healthy, I try to bring it to the table so Vlad can taste it too, but I rarely ever find a dish with broccoli which is truly tasty. So I recommend you try this salad. It will be a very pleasant surprise.

Magie in Bucatarie (I)

Imi place sa gatesc. Uneori imi si iese. Asta e una dintre situatiile fericite. Asa ca azi am sa fac reteta asta din nou, de Paste iar, si tot asa, pana cand primesc aplauze de la toti prietenii mei!


EN: I like to cook. Sometimes I am actually good at it. This is one of the fortunate situations. So I’ll make this recipe again today, and then again for Easter, and so on, until I get applauses from all my friends!

Cutia cu mancare

Timp de o luna de zile am avut si eu si Radu mancare de la Lifebox. Ah, ce bine ne-a fost!


EN: For one month, Radu and I had food from Lifebox. Ah, we had it good!

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Sambata si duminica pe Pluto

Poveste adevarata. Ieri dimineață am luat micul dejun in familie, acasa. Doar in weekend apucăm să ne întindem la masa, sa gustam din toate si sa stam la povesti. Asa ca ieri am discutat cu Vlad despre ce inseamna “o idee genială”.


EN: True story. Yesterday morning we had breakfast together, at home. It’s only during weekends that we get to spend time at the table together, chatting and tasting a bit of everything on the plates. So yesterday we had a talk with Vlad about what “a brilliant idea” means.

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Un tort pentru orice ocazie

Cele mai bune torturi se mananca alaturi de persoanele dragi, iar in ultima vreme eu am inceput sa cochetez foarte mult cu ideea de torturi personalizate. La fiecare aniversare sau eveniment mi-a placut sa regasesc tematica nu doar in dress code sau in decorul petrecerii, ci si in torturile sau prajiturile servite.


EN: The best cakes are those shared with loved ones, and lately I have become very fond of the idea of personalized cakes. At each anniversary or special event, I liked finding the theme not only in the dress code or in the decorations, but also in the cake and cookies served.

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